Letter from year 1 staff w/c 4th May
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 11:28am
Dear Parents/Carers.
We hope you have found this week’s work helpful.
For next week we would like you to complete lessons for week 2. They are pasted individually below in the order they should be completed:
This is all about comparing and measuring mass. Again this is something we have done in class and your child is very familiar with the balancing scales that are shown on the video. In year one they are expected to measure using non-standard measures as shown on the video, so grams are not introduced until year 2. However it is useful if they have an idea what 1kg feels like, so if you have a bag of sugar at home for them to hold that would be useful for them. When they have completed the 5 lessons you could talk to them about grams and get them to look in your kitchen cupboards to see if they can find the weights on the packages. See if they can say which items are heavier/lighter by looking at these numbers. If you would like extra work on this there are some useful lessons on
https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ week 1
We would also like your child to continue to practise counting forwards and backwards in steps of 2, 5 and 10. They could play this game to reinforce this: https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/duckShoot/index.html
Also they may enjoy joining in these songs:
https://app.gonoodle.com/categories/math skip count to 100 and skip counting
If you haven’t already looked at GoNoodle it is a good site to use to get your child active whilst learning at the same time. The dances are put into different categories to cover different areas of the curriculum. You do have to register, but it is all free.
For English this week, we would like you to complete the 5 lessons for Week 2 (each lesson has a link below in the order it should be completed.)
These lessons include phonics, spelling and this week the area covered is fiction writing, based on the story Katie in London. We have done lots of fiction writing before so they will be familiar with this. The lessons progress through the week from reading the story, committing it to memory, looking at proper nouns and then wring the story.
You could further practise capital letters on proper nouns go by having names of people in your family without capital letters for the children to correct, or familiar places that need proper nouns. If you would like to do a short quiz on proper nouns, please use the link below. https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks1/english/capital-letters-for-proper-nouns/
The new phonics lessons launched this week are still available on the link below. New lessons are added daily during the week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnM6XDFNCFE
Please also try to read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record. For further reading resources, Oxford Owl have free e-books for you to access and share at home: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page
Our school has a subscription to a handwriting programme called Letter-Join. It can be used interactively on tablets or phones and practises the cursive script we use in school. You need to log in with the details for your class below:
1B User name: moldgreen_4 password: 1b
1S User name: moldgreen_5 password: 1s
Other Subjects:
In science this week, we would like you to complete https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/how-does-the-weather-change-across-the-seasons-year-1-wk2-3 which looks at the different seasons and weather.
For art this week, we would like you to complete https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/to-go-on-a-texture-treasure-hunt-year-1-wk2-5 which looks at texture and creating rubbings.
For geography this week, we would like you to complete the two lessons about the continents Australia and Africa. The links for both lessons are: https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/what-is-australia-like-year-1-wk2-1 and https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/what-is-africa-like-year-1-wk2-4
On our school website Year 1 page, https://www.moldgreenprimary.co.uk/class/year-1 we have activities linked to Captain Tom Moore, which would be an interesting topic to talk to your child about.
The above work schedule and links are there for you should you wish to use them. Whilst they are important, we also feel that you should only complete tasks that flow for you and your family in your day-to-day life during this difficult time. Activities should be fun and not be stressful for children or parents. You and your family’s well-being are paramount to us.
We look forward to seeing all the fantastic work you do. You could email them to us at the email addresses below. We can then give your child a ‘Shout Out’ – a new feature the school is hoping to do while we are at home. These emails can also be used if you need any further help, advice or if you want one of us to call you.
Thank you,
The Year 1 team