Here you will find a selection of our school's policies. If the policy you are looking for is not here or you would like a paper copy, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
Admissions policy and publications (Kirklees LA)
Apply for a primary place (external link - Kirklees LA)
Starting primary school in 2024 - a guide for parents
Pupil attendance and punctuality policy (review July 2025)
Working together to improve school attendance (gov.uk)
School attendance and absence (Kirklees LA)
Behaviour, suspension and exclusions
Anti-bullying policy (currently under review)
Anti-bullying information for parents (currently under review)
Behaviour in schools - advice for headteachers and school staff (gov.uk)
Behaviour in schools policy (review July 2025)
Positive handling and physical restraint policy (review July 2025)
Search, screen and confiscation policy (review July 2025)
Suspension and exclusions policy (review July 2025)
Suspension and exclusions (gov.uk)
Moldgreen communication protocol
Complaint Procedure (review May 2026)
Early years policy (review November 2025)
Phonics and early reading policy (review September 2025)
Remote learning (review February 2025)
CCTV policy (review September 2025)
Governors and Volunteers Privacy Notice
Parents and Carers Privacy Notice
Governors' code of conduct (review September 2024)
Governors' written statement of behaviour principles (review November 2025)
Accessibility plan (review September 2027)
Charging and remissions policy (review August 2027)
Equality policy (review September 2025)
Multi-faith guidance policy (review June 2026)
SEND Policy (review September 2025)
School uniform policy (review January 2025)
Safeguarding and wellbeing
First Aid (review July 2025)
Changing for PE (review July 2025)
Online safety policy (Kirklees LA)
Health and safety policy (review July 2026)
Staff code of conduct & low Level concerns (Kirklees LA) (review September 2025)
Low level concerns flowchart (Kirklees LA)
Safeguarding Child Protection 2024-25 (review September 2025)
Safer recruitment policy (Kirklees)
Supporting Children With Medical Needs (review July 2025)
Walking to and from school guidance (review July 2025)
Whistleblowing policy (review July 2026)
Capability procedure - teachers (Kirklees LA)