
On behalf of the Governing Body at Moldgreen Community Primary School, I would like to welcome you to our website, and in particular, our Governor section. 

Anthony Briggs

(Chair of Governors)

Who are we?
At Moldgreen Community Primary School our Governors are people from all walks of life who have one thing in common- a commitment and passion to ensure that our school delivers a quality environment in which children can reach their full potential, educationally, socially and emotionally.  We are volunteers who represent many groups who interact and play a part in school life e.g. parents, staff, community and Local Authority.  As a team we are known as a "Governing Body" and work closely with the Head Teacher to set the goals and aims of the school.

What do we do?
As individual Governors we each have a role to play:

Parent Governors - We liaise closely with our parents to ensure that any queries or suggestions can be brought to the attention of the Head teacher and acted upon to everyone’s satisfaction.

Staff Governors - We bring specialist knowledge and skills to our role as we have insight into how pupils or staff may feel about changes or recommendations by the Governing Body.

Co-opted Governors - We provide great links to the community surrounding our school and can bring with us special expertise and an unbiased view.

Local Authority Governor - This Governor is a representative of the Local Authority and brings an awareness and understanding to the Governing Body of County Council priorities at school level.

Governing Body
As a Governing Body we are part of the school leadership team and have many roles within our school which we carry out alongside the Headteacher

  • We challenge decisions/outcomes and are a source of support to our Headteacher where necessary.
  • We help the school to have a clear vision and ethos in our school.
  • We evaluate and monitor the performance of both pupils and staff to ensure our pupils are receiving the very best education possible. We also monitor the Headteachers ability to ensure that this is done effectively and will hold them to account if their performance is inadequate.
  • We oversee the financial performance of the school to ensure that the budget is being spent in areas where it is most effective to the needs of our school and its pupils.
  • We are involved in the appointing of senior staff and dismissal of staff.
  • We hear appeals and grievances.
  • We assist the school in forming policies for our school and monitor their effectiveness closely e.g. Pupils behaviour and discipline.
  • We ensure that our building is safe and that all Health & Safety policies are adhered to.
  • We get involved in the school community, making regular visits and being present, where possible, during school events.

If you wish to discuss a matter with any of our school governors please speak to the office or email [email protected]


Thank you for visiting our website.


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Moldgreen Community Primary School, The Avenue, Moldgreen, Huddersfield HD5 8AE | 01484226681 | [email protected]

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