SEND Report
We have had correspondance from Jo-Anne Sanders Service Director for Learning and Early Support Kirklees to make us aware that they are currently experiencing challenges affecting their ability to offer timely assessments for children with SEND who may require provisin through an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
'We have experienced capacity issues within the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Assessment and Commissioning Team (SENDACT) and Educational Psychology team due
to levels of staff absence and staff turnover. Alongside increased demand for assessments,
this is adding further pressures.'
Please see the letter attached for your information.
Please see our School Offer, showing how we provide for Children with Additional Needs and ensure inclusion. Please note that we will update regularly. All children at Moldgreen Community Primary School are treated as individuals. We work with children and their families from their own, unique starting point and build on their skills to enable them to make a positive contribution to society.
If you would like to see the Kirklees offer, please click the link below:
What is the Local Offer - YouTube
How do we know if children need extra help?
We know when children need help if:
Concerns are raised by parents / carers, teachers or the child
Limited progress is being made
There is a change in the child’s emotional well-being or progress.
What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
In the first instance, you should arrange a meeting with your child’s class teacher to discuss your concerns. If necessary, they will in turn arrange a meeting with the SENDCo (Mrs Szewczyk), you could also contact the SENDCo directly on 01484 226681.
How will we support a child with additional needs?
All children at Moldgreen Community Primary School benefit from high quality teaching which includes an appropriate curriculum which is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners, including those who need support or extra challenge. Teachers use a variety of teaching styles and a wide range of materials, and are highly aware of the needs of each student in their class. Assessment methods and materials are tailored to the needs of individual pupils so teachers are able to monitor the progress of all children very carefully.
Sometimes children need additional support to make good progress. There are lots of ways in which the staff at Moldgreen aid this. Additional support might include:
- small group support in class
- individual support in class
- small group work out of class
- individual work out of class
- specifically differentiated materials
- nurture intervention
- access to specific resources (use of technology, accessible materials, specific aids)
- access to outside agencies
- behaviour support
- specialist interventions
Please see the SEND and Medical Needs policies for further information.
How will the progress of a child with additional needs be monitored?
Progress of your child is monitored primarily by the class teacher. Pupil progress meetings are held half termly by the SLT to monitor progress and track children and ensure correct provision is in place to promote children’s development. Parent’s consultations are held twice a year and an annual report given at the end of the year. Parents are able to speak to class teachers and/or the SENDCo throughout the year by requesting an appointment. In addition, children who have an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) will have reviews held annually. Pupils are kept informed and their views, feelings and aspirations are considered when evaluating, monitoring and planning provision.
Specialist Services:
Some children require specialist support from outside agencies. We work with speech and language therapists who visit our school, they set targets for children and offer training for staff to support them to deliver the necessary interventions. We have an Educational Psychologist who is in contact with school and gives advice and support to the SENDcos. We seek advice from Kirklees Specialist Provision outreach service when necessary and they offer support and advice. In addition to this we are currently working with colleagues in the professions of occupational therapy, hearing impairment, behaviour support, counselling services at CAMHS and Northorpe Hall.
Reasons why children may not progress:
Moldgreen is committed to the early identification of SEN and recognises the four broad categories of needs in the SEND Code of Practice 2014. The Code specifies these areas of need as:
- Communication and Interaction (including Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (includes ongoing, persistent behaviour issues)
- Sensory and / or physical needs.
Other factors may impact on progress and attainment: attendance and punctuality, English as an Additional Language, being a Looked After Child, health and welfare, being in receipt of Pupil Premium, Disability (the Equality Act and the Code of Practice state that schools and settings have a duty to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ – these alone do not constitute SEN).
The purpose of identification is to work out what action we need to take, not to fit a pupil into a category.
Admission and transition arrangements:
Moldgreen follows the Kirklees LA admission policy.
Any parent wishing to register their child for a place is invited to visit the school and talk to a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Please contact the school office on 01484 226681 for an appointment.
We encourage any child who is new to our school to visit prior to starting to familiarise themselves with the school. Any child with additional needs will be encouraged to have more visits to enable their transition to be smooth.
Children beginning our nursery will be invited to spend time in nursery in the summer term prior to starting in September. Nursery staff will also complete home visits so the child can meet the staff in their own familiar surroundings. Any children new to school beginning in reception will be invited to a stay and play so they can meet the reception staff. Staff in EYFS will also contact the children's setting they are currently attending and settings are welcome to bring the children to school and spend time becoming accustomed to the environment and staff.
Transition systems are in place with the local high schools as it is important for all of our year 6 children to be familiar with their new school. Children with SEND have extra dates for transition and key people from high schools are introduced to them and the children are aware of who they are able to go to.
Other in school transitions systems are in place between year groups. Some children will need their own transition plan to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible.
Accessibility arrangements:
Moldgreen community primary school endeavours to ensure the environment is accessible for children with physical needs. With support from outside agencies we source or supply equipment to aid children’s access to the curriculum. We have a lift in school for children, parents and staff to use to gain access to the upstairs classrooms. We have accessible toilets upstairs and downstairs for use. We make reasonable adjustments to our environment and curriculum where possible. Please see the School Accessibility Plan for more information.
At Moldgreen school we educate our pupils on differences and celebrate differences and diversity. We do not tolerate bullying and make clear in our policies of the procedures. Please see our Anti-Bullying, Equality and Positive Behaviour policies for further information.
The Governing Body:
The Governing Body is responsible for monitoring SEND provision in school. Our current SEND Governor is Mr. D. Davies. He can be contacted through school on 01484 226681.
Useful Information:
Please see the attached documents for more information.