Mr Lonsdale is the Maths Leader.
You should have received a copy of your child's end of year expectations booklet at the parents' evening. Please have a look through to see what your child is expected to know in maths by the end of the academic year. The expectations statements from the 2014 National Curriculum are attached below.
We use a variety of games and interactive resources in school to help your child learn and retain their maths knowledge. You can help by accessing suitable maths websites and practising at home. It is important that they learn and retain the basics, like their times tables! We currently subscribe to Times Tables Rock Stars (KS2/Ages 7-11) and Numbots (Early Years and Key Stage 1/Ages 4-7 and which helps your child learn and practise counting and addition and subtraction) and your child should have been given their user name and password - if not, ask your child's class teacher for them.
Intent, implementation and impact document
Moldgreen maths unit overviews
Moldgreen maths schemes of learning
Moldgreen maths progression document
Here are some other suitable websites:
KS1 Maths - England - BBC Bitesize
In Year 4 the children are required to sit a national multiplication test. Please see the information below explaining what this entails and the requirements expected.