Letter from Year 2 Staff w/c 18th May
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 11:22am
Hello Year 2,
Hope you are all well and still managing to stay happy in this strange time. We are missing you all very much but we are so proud of all of you for doing your bit by staying at home to help our country fight this virus.
Thank you to everyone who has sent us pictures this week they have made us feel so happy and kept us smiling. It is lovely to see you all doing things we don’t usually have the time to do. Please continue to send us more pictures of what you are doing during lockdown and don’t forget to look on the school website for the ‘Shout out’ blog.
We have had lots of children sending in pictures of the work that they have completed. Miss March has been super impressed with all the work Awen has been busy completing and she has loved looking at all of the pictures of Issac playing outside and learning lots about the human body. She loved receiving pictures from Harrison where he told her he had read 111 pages of Horrid Henry! It was great to hear about Lexi helping to hand rear a baby lamb and getting up in the night to help with its feeds. Mrs Williams is so incredibly proud of Jack. Initially she was told that he had raised £165 for charity doing an indoor hike to the moon – she has just found out he has now raised a whopping £340 and does about 23000 steps a day! Elizah has written a fabulous conversation in Spanish, Farley has been very creative making a family plaque and Sienna has persevered with her maths even when she found it a bit tricky. Keep up all the amazing work!
We thought we would share a few pictures of what we have been doing this week to see if it makes you smile too.
Miss March’s Adventures
I have been very happy this week because I have finally bought a puppy and I am very excited to meet her. She is only 2 weeks old at the moment so she is not old enough to leave her home yet so I will have to wait until she is 8 weeks old and hopefully the lock down will be finished by then. I will make sure I share the weekly pup dates with you so you can see her grow and change. During the week I have also managed to go on some lovely walks around where I live and I have been very busy baking lots of things. I am trying very hard not to eat them all though (which is very difficult). I was very lucky last week too because I got to meet some officers from West Yorkshire Police and I got to sit in the front of the Police Van. It was very exciting and the sirens were extremely loud!
Mrs Williams’ Adventures
Since lockdown started, I have also been baking – an Easter cake, pear crumble, coconut ice amongst other things (none of which are particularly healthy!). Although I’m not allowed to go out, I’ve tried to spend as much time as possible in my garden and have been enjoying watching the ferns unfurl and practising my photography. Mr Williams knocked down our garage (it was almost falling over) the weekend before lockdown so I have been his labourer, helping to rebuild it whilst he has been off work. I’ve also been making bags for the NHS and care homes and teaching Amaya, my daughter, to use a sewing machine so she could help me – so far we have made over 50 bags.
We hope that you enjoy your lessons for next week. Just try your best – that’s all we want! Try hard to do a little bit each day so it will help you when we get back to school. Don’t forget to use TT Rockstars to help you get quicker with your times tables – although we know that some passwords are not working – sorry!
Oak National Academy English Learning
This week’s lessons are based around recount writing.
Lesson 1- In this lesson, we are going to be finding the meaning of words from Chapter Two of The Firework Maker’s Daughter. We will be reading pages 25-30.
Lesson 2- In this lesson, we are going to be making inferences from Chapter Two of The Firework Maker’s Daughter. We will be reading pages 30-33.
Lesson 3- In this lesson, we will be learning how to identify and use different sentence types. We will learn about statements, questions and exclamation sentences.
Lesson 4- In this lesson, we will be identifying the key features of a recount. This will help you when you come to write your own recount in Lesson 5.
Lesson 5- Today, it is finally time to write our own recounts. You will be writing a recount from Lila's perspective about when she meets the pirates.
I have put a link to the talk for writing website as they have some other lovely ideas for the children to do if you feel they may be more appropriate and enjoyable.
Oak National Academy Maths Learning
Lesson 1 – Halves and Quarters
Lesson 2- To identify parts of a fraction.
Lesson 3- To identify half of a shape.
Lesson 4- To identify halves, thirds and quarters of a shape.
Lesson 5 – To identify fractions of shapes with different numerators.
If you prefer to do the White Rose Maths Home Learning then the lessons this week (Week beginning 11th May as we are a week behind) focus on addition and subtraction. Please let us know if you have any problems with the website/
Lesson 1 - Adding and subtracting tens.
Lesson 2 - Add 2 digit numbers.
Lesson 3 - Subtract 2 digit numbers.
Lesson 4 - Number bonds to 100 (tens and ones)
Lesson 5 - Maths Challenge
Foundation Subjects- Oak Academy
Science - In this lesson, we will be learning about reflective and non-reflective materials. We will investigate which objects are made from reflective materials and which objects are made from non-reflective materials.
History – Shang Dynasty
If you feel you have looked enough at the Shang Dynasty have a look at some other historical ideas. You might want to find out some more about VE Day and why it was celebrated last Friday. Have a look on the BBC website or Twinkl website to find out some information.
Art - In this lesson, we will be making insects using natural materials we can find on our walk, run or cycle! You will need things like small twigs, leaves, petals and stones. You can watch the lesson first, then complete the activity!
Spanish- In this lesson we will recap our previous learning, then we will learn how to say the days of the week and months of the year in Spanish.
PE -Keep being active, you do not have to do Joe Wicks there are lots of different ways to get your heart pumping.
We thought we would set a little challenge this week to see who is doing some amazing reading at home. Take a picture of yourself with your reading book in a strange or silly place in your house or on your daily walk. You might be up a tree, in a field, under your bed or hidden in a cupboard. See what places you can find to read your book or how many different books you can read in different places.
Have a great week!
Love Miss March and Mrs Williams