Letter from year 2 staff w/c 4th May
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 11:29am
Dear Year 2 children, parents and carers,
We hope you have had a nice week and have been enjoying the wonderful weather! It has been lovely to speak to lots of you this week and see how you are all getting on. It has definitely put a big smile on our faces and we hope it has done the same for you.
After speaking to many of you, it seems you have been able to access the majority of the work that was set last week and therefore this week’s work will be very easy for you to continue with.
As said previously the government have launched a new website with lessons for all children but with Year 2 specific lessons. It’s at www.thenational.academy/ and we’ll continue getting in touch with you weekly to let you know what lessons are on there that are appropriate for you to access to help with the lessons we are missing in school.
For week 2 the lessons include:
English – The first few lessons continue with ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter focusing on finding information from the text and writing a character description. It then moves onto using expanded noun phrases in writing to make a character description more interesting. This is something the children have previously looked at so it will be a good recap for them.
Maths – Position and Direction looking at how shapes can change positions and recapping on features of 2d and 3d shapes.
If you would like an extra challenge log onto White Rose Maths Home Learning, this will take you through lessons focusing on length and will ask you some tricky problem solving questions.
Art – Learning about an artist called Max Ernst. He created a technique in art called frottage. This is when you use your pencil to make rubbings of textured objects which you find around your home. You will need a pencil and paper.
Science – ‘How can we see?’ We will look at understanding how light helps us to see.
History – We will learn all about what life was like for different people living in the Shang Dynasty. We will find out about the food they ate, the jobs they had, and how society was structured.
Spanish – Introducing yourself in Spanish. This is something Miss March has been trying to learn too and looks forward to trying it when we return back to school.
Phonics – You can access some year 1 and reception phonics at home using the flyer attached from last week or the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/channels?view_as=public
Although the children are in year 2 these lessons will be really good for them to recap what they already know and will cover any misconceptions they may have. We would recommend all children to have a go at these at least once a week.
Reading – After speaking to many of you this week we know that most children are enjoying reading at home. Remember it does not matter which books the children are reading as we want to encourage the children to read for pleasure however, if you think the books you have are too easy or too hard for your child please look on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/
This website has lots of free online books for the children to read and is a fantastic resource to use. If you are struggling to find a book to match your child’s level please do not hesitate to email us.
It has been great to receive photographs and messages of children accessing some of this learning and remember if you would like to share anything you have done please send an email to Miss March using the email address
Mrs Williams is now able to be contacted directly on [email protected]
There may be special rewards or surprises given to children who send any of their work so make sure you don’t miss out on this!
Please remember these are all just suggested activities and ideas for your children to complete. Do not worry about completing everything that is listed above and take each day as it comes.
We know this is a really strange time at the moment but hopefully things will be back to normality soon. Keep doing what you’re doing and if you need anything at all just know we are only an email or phone call away. Stay safe and keep smiling.
Love from
Miss March and Mrs Williams