Letter from Year 3/4 Staff w/c 13th July

Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 5:17pm

Letter from Year 3/4 Staff w/c 13th July

Hello again everybody,

We hope you are still keeping well! Here is the information you need to follow Week 11 of the Oak National Academy work just as we are doing in school. The work is dated on the web site as the week beginning 6th July.

Year 3 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/schedule-by-year/year-3

Year 4 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/schedule-by-year/year-4/

 This week’s work is:

Year 3 English / Reading –

·         To make predictions from a story and explore inference questions.

·         To explore the meaning of words using a story.

·         To explore the features of a story (so you can use them in your own later!)

·         To focus on using a range of punctuation.

·         To write your own story.

Maths –

·         To develop our understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division.

·         To use multiplication facts to derive our 6 times tables.

·         To use multiplication facts to derive our 8 times tables.

·         To use partitioning to multiply 2 digit numbers by 6 accurately.

·         To use partitioning to multiply 2 digit numbers by 8 accurately.


Foundation –

PSHCE: Circle of life: gone, but not forgotten. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/circle-of-life-gone-but-not-forgotten

Science In this lesson we will be looking at the science of acoustics.


Geography What is the reason for seasons?


Why is the world’s weather changing?


Spanish To be able to describe physical appearance in Spanish.


Art: Juan Miro and Automatic Drawing


 Year 4 –

English –

·         To explore the meaning of words using poetry.

·         To explore the use of language using poetry.

·         To explore the features of a haiku poem.

·         To focus on effective punctuation within poetry.

·         To plan and write haiku poems.


Maths – Shapes, patterns and rules.

·         To develop strategies to plan and solve problems.

·         To explore a series of shapes which grow in size.

·         To investigate the shape patterns logically.

·         To find out the number of shapes needed for any term in the sequence.

·         You will be spotting the patterns and exploring them so that you can make a general statement about the rules of this pattern.


 PSHCE: Circle of life: gone, but not forgotten. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/circle-of-life-gone-but-not-forgotten

Spanish –  To be able to describe physical appearance in Spanish.


Geography – How does resource exploitation cause problems?


       -Circular Economy


Science: How are organisms adapted to live underwater.


 Art: Juan Miro and Automatic Drawing




Although we are currently following the Oak National Academy for maths, WRM is still available.  Each week worksheets are uploaded on to our school website for you to access.  This week, however, they have launched ‘child and parent’ booklets.  These booklets follow the methods and strategies that are being used in school to help children understand and enjoy maths.  The booklets are completely free and can be downloaded either to a kindle from Amazon or from their web page https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/primary-resources/parent-workbooks/


We hope you are also accessing the Scholastic Reading Pro website.

 https://slz03.scholasticlearningzone.com/slz-portal/#/login2/GBR/en   The ID is JDH2. There should be an email you have received with your user name and password. Any problems contact school or email us.

3/4H - [email protected]

3/4J - [email protected]

3/4S - [email protected]

Stay Safe!               

Y3/4 team


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Moldgreen Community Primary School, The Avenue, Moldgreen, Huddersfield HD5 8AE | 01484226681 | [email protected]

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