Letter from Year 5 Staff w/c 25th May & 1st June

Date: 23rd May 2020 @ 4:11pm

Hello Everyone,

It’s hard to believe that we have come to the end of another half term. There will be no school work set for that week but if you want to track down a new book to read try looking at the extracts on LoveReading4Kids website. You will be able to dip into different kinds of books and discover new authors. The first weekend of the holidays many of you will be celebrating Eid following Ramadan. We hope that you have a wonderful time celebrating with your families.

It’s also mental awareness week, here are some activities you might like to do during the half term holiday.


Many plants are said to have different fractal patterns, (a complex pattern), maybe you could see how many you could find outside or draw your own, or use the following tool online https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Fractal-Tool/

The work that we will be talking about in today’s letter is the home learning for the academic week commencing 1st June


This week’s focus will be reading and writing instructions.

Spellings will be words using the ibly suffix

Instructions should-

  • be written in the second person (you, yours, yourself, yourselves)
  • use the present tense
  • include rhetorical questions
  • ake use of conjunctions, pronouns, synonyms, adverbs and adverbials, explanded noun phrases and imperative verbs

Lesson 1- Reading comprehension. This lesson will concentrate on the way that language can be used to suggest how something is done in a set of instructions. Here you will develop your ability to use context clues.

Lesson 2- Reading comprehension. The second comprehension activity of the week will focus on word choice and meaning.

Lesson 3- Text analysis. In this lesson you will be exploring the key features of instruction texts. This will include vocabulary, punctuation, grammar and organisational devises such as numbered stages, paragraphs and subheadings.

Lesson 4- SPaG. This lesson aims to teach you how to build cohesion into your instructional text- your instructions should be easy to follow and be well organised. This can be achieved  through using adverbials, pronouns and conjunctions.

Lesson 5- Independent writing. You will use the skills that you have been reading about and practising this week in order to write a set of instructions which should explain how to catch a dragon.

Continue to read as often and as widely as possible.

National Oak Academy Maths-

This week’s Oak National Academy lessons will focus on volume and capacity

Lesson 1-to read scales when measuring volume

Lesson 2-to investigate and explain cubed numbers

Lesson 3- to estimate the volume of objects

Lesson 4- to describe volume in cubic units

Lesson 5 – to convert units of volume

Handy Hints

Units of measurement

Imperial                                                                               Metric

gallons                                                                                  litres
pints                                                                                     centilitres
quarts                                                                                  millilitres


= means the same as

≈ means approximately


This week’s White Rose Maths concentrates on fractions

lesson 1 - add and subtract fractions

lesson 2 - add fractions

lesson 3 - add mixed numbers

lesson 4 - subtract mixed numbers


Handy hints-

Foundation Subjects-

Science – What are the stages of a plant’s lifecycle?

 BBC bitesize has an excellent page with a video and a quiz to do afterwards.


I’m just keeping a watchful eye on those plants!

While being on lockdown, it has given me the time to try growing vegetables from seed.  I haven’t killed any (yet!) I wonder if you have been able to?  I have tomato plants, lettuce, peas, strawberries


On Monday, the R.E. lesson is looking at who Siddartha Gautama is.  He followed the Buddhist religion and used meditation in his worship.  On Thursday the lesson explores what the Buddhist sacred text is. Friday’s music lesson, is about singing in harmony – have a go all my wonderful singers.

Teacher’s Diaries-

It’s been a quiet week with no rooftop rescues whatsoever (so far). The plants in the garden are really beginning to grow now and its beginning to feel a lot more like summer with the birds singing early in the morning, waking Big Sid and Gracie at a ridiculous hour…. who then wake me at a ridiculous hour. Maybe time to put the wellies into summer hibernation… although maybe not. British summer times can be very soggy. Animals mainly sleeping in the comfiest patches possible (or doing strange circular conga dance moves… as you can see in one of this week’s photos).


Murphy has been busy celebrating his six months old birthday this week. We keep in touch with his brothers and sister’s owners and Rory’s owner made a collage of them all. Can you spot which one Murphy is? I had to look twice when I saw it as they all look the same!


We’ve been going on lots of walks too and he met this ginger cat this week. He was keen to make friends with it until it moved then he started barking loudly.


Like everyone in lockdown, Murphy is getting extremely hairy and needs a haircut! We love his fluffy head and long eyelashes but he’s getting too warm with the hot weather so he’s booked into the groomers next week. I hope he’s good as he’s not keen on being brushed at home.

Have a lovely holiday. Be kind and look after each other.

From all the Year 5 staff

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