Letter from year 6 staff w/c 4th May

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 11:31am

Hello Everyone,

We hope you are all keeping well and staying safe. It was lovely to speak to most of you over the last week. We will be attempting to call you each week to see how you are. Please remember that we can be contacted with any queries. This can be done through the school website under the heading ‘pupils’, just scroll down to staff contact.

Hopefully you have been able to take a look at the lessons on Oak National Academy, I know some of you have already been using it following the conversations we have had.

A schedule for the next five weeks has now been uploaded to the teacher’s area. I have attached the link to this below, so you are able to view it.




This week’s English lessons are all about Information Leaflets.


As before each of the five English lessons begins and ends with a quiz. These are not essential to the lesson but will help you to see how much progress you are making and show you which areas you need to practice.


An online teacher will guide you through your main activity in a videoed lesson. This can be paused whilst you do your own work. The teacher will tell you exactly what to do. If you are still not sure what to do you can rewind the video.


Lessons 1 & 2 Reading Focus – looking at words in context

Lesson 3 Identifying features of an Information Leaflet

Lesson 4 Using formal language

Lesson 5 Writing an Information Leaflet


The lessons include daily spelling practice and a test on Fridays. Remember that you can improve your skills using Spelling Shed!


Don’t forget to keep reading whilst you are at home. Read to yourself, to an adult, share stories with brothers and sisters! Listen to stories on BBC teach. Look at the links on the school website.



This week’s maths lessons are a continuation of fractions. We have done lots of work on this already so it should be good revision.

Lesson 1 Learning how to compare equivalent decimals and fractions

Lesson 2 Learning how to convert a fraction to a decimal using different strategies

Lesson 3 How to add fractions with different denominators

Lesson 4 How to subtract fractions with different denominators

Lesson 5 How to solve fraction problems relating to shape

The Whiterose Maths Home Learning lessons  https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ are also good quality. It follows a similar format to Oak Academy as it has a video to watch and some questions to do. Follow Week 2 w/c 27th April.

Keep on using TT Rockstars to ensure you increase the speed in which you can multiply. This will help in all areas of Maths.

Foundation Subjects

This week’s timetable includes:
History: Was the Treaty of Versailles fair?

Spanish: Introducing yourself in Spanish

Science: How do fossils provide evidence for evolution?
History: How did Hitler rise to power?
Art: How can we use visual texture to add interest to our artwork?


PE: Link to PE with Joe


Remember to keep active the best you can. There are a number of PE challenges on the school website for you to have a go at in the pupils section. There is also a message from Linda Stacey our School Games Organiser, which links to her twitter page. You will find this message in the curriculum area on the school website under PE.


Kind regards

Mr Millington and Mr Norris











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Moldgreen Community Primary School, The Avenue, Moldgreen, Huddersfield HD5 8AE | 01484226681 | [email protected]

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