Letter from Year 6 Staff w/c 8th June

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 3:24pm

Hello Everyone,

We hope you are all continuing to be well and staying safe. If you want to continue with regular reading and learning using BBC Bitesize lessons (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-and-p7-lessons/1) or previous lessons you didn’t get to yet on Oak Academy or White Rose, please remember that we can be contacted with any queries. If you are unsure of our email address, this can be found through the school website under the heading ‘pupils’, and just scroll down to staff contact.

It would be great to see some examples of your child’s learning or to hear of things your child has learned or enjoyed learning about via email.

Home Learning  wb 8th June 2020

NB. We are focussing on Week 6 on the Oak Academy site (wb 1st June).


This week’s English lessons are all about Letters of complaint.

As before each of the five English lessons begins and ends with a quiz. These are not essential to the lesson but will help you to see how much progress you are making and show you which areas you need to practice.

An online teacher will guide you through your main activity in a videoed lesson. This can be paused whilst you do your work. The teacher will tell you exactly what to do.

Lesson 1 Reading Focus – answering fact retrieval questions.

Lesson 2 Reading Focus – inferences and support them using evidence from the text.

Lesson 3 Read example text and identify features of letters of complaint.

Lesson 4 Understand and use a range of clause structures.

Lesson 5 Write your own letter of complaint using the key features and a range of clause structures.

The lessons include daily spelling practice and a test on Fridays. Remember that you can improve your accuracy using Spelling Shed!

Don’t forget to keep reading whilst you are at home. Read to yourself, to an adult, and share stories with brothers and sisters! Listen to stories on BBC teach or look at the links on the school website; they are all part of daily reading and we believe they should be aiming for 30 minutes or more in total every day.


This week’s maths lessons are focussing on multiplication (of two proper fractions) and division (of a common fraction by an integer) which the children have studied parts of in year 6 as well as in previous years.

Lesson 1 Represent multiplication of a fraction and integer, reason about multiplication and seek patterns.

Lesson 2 Multiplying fractions and express the products in their simplest form or as a mixed number.

Lesson 3 Connect fractions and division before learning the procedure for dividing a fraction by an integer.

Lesson 4 Strategies for multiplying and dividing with mixed numbers and improper fractions.

Lesson 5 Revise calculating with fractions using the four operations and then apply this to word problems.

The Whiterose Maths Home Learning lessons ( https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ ) are also good quality. These worksheets should be attached to our school website. They follow a similar format to Oak Academy as it has a video to watch and some questions to do. Follow Week 6 w/c 1st June.

Keep on using TT Rockstars to ensure you increase the speed in which you can multiply and divide. This will help you when it comes to solving problems in all areas of Maths.

Foundation Subjects

This week’s timetable includes:

History: Learning about the events that led to ending the Second World War.

Spanish: Saying where you live in Spanish.

Science: learn about some of the impacts that humans have on life on this planet. 

History: Learning about Why the USA and the USSR entered a ‘cold’ war?

Music: Exploring emotions in music

PE:  https://www.sportingage.co.uk/  - a great set of physical challenges that will provide you with a sporting ‘age’ assessment if you sign up with your details.

Or PE with Joe Wicks on You tube.

Remember to keep active the best you can. There are also a number of PE challenges on the school website for you to have a go at in the pupils section.

Take care,

Mr Millington and Mr Norris

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Moldgreen Community Primary School, The Avenue, Moldgreen, Huddersfield HD5 8AE | 01484226681 | [email protected]

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