Letter from Reception staff w/c 27th April
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 11:15am
Dear Parents/Carers.
We hope you are all well and staying safe.
It has been lovely to see what you have been doing on Tapestry.
I will be uploading activities for you to do with your child on Tapestry using the memo section. You will be notified by email when a new memo has been uploaded. The memos can only be seen on the browser and not yet through the app, although they are trying to make this possible.
If you are unable to access Tapestry successfully please use the email address below and we will help you to gain access.
The National Academy
In addition to the activities posted on Tapestry there is a useful website you may wish to access with your child. Remember when practising the writing and letters that we teach the children to write in a cursive manner like the website ‘letter join’ (see below).
Our topic for this half term is ‘Greenfingers’ and is all about growing seeds and plants. This week we will be learning about the story ‘The enormous Turnip’. It is available on you tube:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9W8Tyz3AOY
In Maths this week we are learning about time. This includes learning about days of the week, times of the day-morning/afternoon/evening/night and also o’clock times.
In Science we are planting seeds and putting them in different places to see which grow the best.
For more details and worksheets see memos on Tapestry. If you are having trouble accessing Tapestry –please contact us for help.
Letter Join
We as a school subscribe to this website to enable your child to practise making patterns and letters. This can be accessed using a tablet. https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/
RL - User name moldgreen_2 Password rl
RM - User name moldgreen_3 Password rm
There is a new resource starting on youtube on Monday 27th April which teaches phonics. This will be an excellent way to keep your child on track with the letters and sounds they will need to use when reading and writing. The details are in the letter attached to this email.
Please also try to read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record. Don’t forget it doesn’t have to be a school reading book-it could be a recipe/comic/magazine/library book/ or some writing someone else has written.
Mrs. Lucas will be contacting her class by phone either this week or next to see how you all are and to have a parent consultation, as this was missed due to illness.
We understand that this can be a stressful time so we asking that you have fun with your children and only complete the activities that you feel able to do. You and your child’s emotional well-being is our priority.
Please use the email below if you would like any support or are having problems with Tapestry.
We look forward to seeing all the fantastic work you do and remember to email us if you need any further help or advice.
Kind regards,
Reception Staff