Shout-Out Blog 18.5.20
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 8:49pm
Shout-Out Blog
Here is where we showcase all the amazing things you have been doing at home, as well as in school, over the past week.
Scroll down below to see photos of all the activities and examples of work, as well as comments from the teachers.
Thank you to everyone that has contributed by sending photos and discussing their child with their class teacher - keep them coming!
- Adam has been working hard finding things that begin with the letter P, he has been practising his writing and reading books. He has also made a farm using origami! Well done, Adam!
- Rayaan has been doing lots of drawing, drawing Sonic the Hedgehog is his favourite but he has also drawn characters from the stories Room on the Broom, The Three Little Pigs and Marvin the Mouse from a nursery rhyme. Well done Rayaan, super drawing and writing.
- Elleya, Adam, Amber and Eva have been doing some activities from the story Oliver's Vegetables, drawing the vegetables and counting and labeling vegetables they have at home. They have done a fabulous job too.
- Elleya has also found lots of cuboids in her house and said, 'They are like bricks you can build with.' Excellent work Elleya.
- Although we don't have a photo of Emily and her sister Eva, it was lovely to hear that she has been busy at home doing puzzles and learning which numbers make 10.
- Rosaline has been doing lots of reading and writing at home and told Mrs Mellor that she misses school and her friends very much. She has practised playing her keyboard too. Impressive!
- Olivia has been exploring and building dens, climbing trees and looking at the different plants in the woods. For a little down-time she has painted pictures with her little sister. She has also been practising writing her numbers to 20.
- Madison has been working hard at home and has made some delicious crispy buns. She even had a visit from a beautiful butterfly while in her garden.
- Maddy wrote an invitation for her dad for VE day picnic.
- Eva wrote some fabulous instructions for making beans on toast.
- Noor has done some great maths - number bonds to 10.
- Reyah has been doing lots of work and has sent us a picture of her work about the story 'Room on the Broom' which made us smile!
Maddy / Eva / Noor / Reyah
Year 1
- Some more fantastic work from Nathaniel this week. Keep up the hard work!
- Jonas has been working hard following the Oak National Academy lessons. His self-portrait using natural materials is very impressive. Super work Jonas.
- Ranvir has also been working hard following the Oak National Academy lessons at home, as well as the work we have been doing together in school. Well done Ranvir!
Year 2
- Elizah has been loving the Spanish lessons and has written her own conversation, introducing herself. She's also done some fantastic Pop Art.
- Laiba has done some fantastic story writing and has tried really hard with her handwriting too!
- Farley has been extremely busy whilst in lockdown. Mrs Williams is loving the family plaque, all the baking and the craft projects. Farley has also had a fun 'den day' and drawn an amazing picture of a robot called COVID-19 that fights germs. Mrs Williams thinks it is fantastic!
- Ria has continued working hard this week and has written a lovely postcard to Mrs Williams.
- Zuzanna has been planting seeds she took out of some tomatoes - we can't wait to how well they grow!
- Awen has been working hard in the garden on the Oak Academy website. She sent lots of videos of her completing tasks and learning rhymes to help her remember.
- Sienna has been working really hard too on the tasks on Oak National Academy. She has done some super work in English, Maths and History - keep it up Sienna!
- Lexi made an amazing panda canvas for her bedroom. She has been hand rearing a lamb with the help of her dad and her grandma. She has been helping with the night feeds and day feeds and learning about how to care for an animal. She has still been working hard on other things with the help of her new friend.
- Miyah has been busy playing outside and going on walks.
- Although Harrison has been extremely busy working on his times table facts, doing artwork, reading, baking, cooking and walking the dog, he still misses his teacher and friends in 2M very much! We miss you too Harrison!
- Isaac has done lots of hands-on play and learning this week. We're especially impressed by his dinosaur artwork. He's played board games, read some books, done a "fireworks in a jar" experiment and made cloud dough!
- Ayesha has been extremely busy completing Oak Academy activities. She has scored full marks on lots of quizzes.
- Lybah has worked really hard with her mum to make cloth teddy bears. They look absolutely fantastic!
- Noah and his family have been so busy with lots of learning over the past couple of weeks. His Maths skills are improving greatly and he has been doing some amazing writing! Well done Noah :)
- We've had an update on Jack's fundraising - he has now raised a whopping £340 for charity! Well done Jack!
Zuzanna / Awen
Year 3/4
- Isra has been creating very detailed and very sparkly artwork!
- Leo from 3/4S has done some brilliant home baking as well as celebrating VE Day. He's been keeping in touch with school and even doing some school work on a bank holiday! Impressive!
- Tailor has been busy writing out menus and cooking up lovely meals! He has created homemade chilli and a Victoria sponge for pudding. He's also been working on English and Spanish. Beautiful handwriting and presentation too, well done Tailor!
- Ayaan has been really busy at home. He's done some English work which looks great, rode his bike and has been trying hard to keep fasts for Ramadan.
- Luke has sent us lots of pictures this week; writing, spelling and constructing things using tools! We're very impressed!
- Nate did some rainbow artwork and has been reading, well done Nate.
- Amelia has been working on lots of maths problems and has used good problem solving skills. She's also completed a wonderful poster as part of her musical theatre tasks.
- Alisha has completed scientific work on the parts of a flower and has also created beautiful origami. Very clever!
- We don't have a photo of Priya, but we are proud that she has been persevering with her home learning using the Oak National Academy. Her favourite lessons are music, Spanish, science and maths!
Isra / Leo
Year 5
- Kyle made a wonderful cake this week. He used his maths skills to measure out the ingredients and used his creative skills to decorate it. Well done Kyle - it looks so yummy!
- Archie has been extremely busy during lockdown doing lots of maths work; going on the bitesize website everyday; going on numerous bike rides; baking cakes and bread; planting strawberries and poppies and he even made his own planter with his brother. Amazing work Archie.
- This week, Blessing has been keeping herself occupied by reading many of her books; doing her maths work and creating some music with her recorder. Well done Blessing!
Year 6
- Ruke has worked his way through the Maths and English packs for Y6 right at the beginning of this lockdown. He's now doing Y7 work and loving the Maths, learning about World War 2 and the Versailles Treaty, and trying Spanish!
- Max has been learning Spanish and about WW2. He also made some VE Day bunting with his brother.
- Keane has been busy trying to keep fit and doing lots of walks with his mum.
- Isma has been doing some fantastic artwork.
Well done everybody!