Shout-Outs and More 3

Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 1:34pm

Shout-Outs and More!

Hi everyone! Third week of the current lockdown blog. How are we all doing?

Take a look below to look at some examples of amazing work you have been doing both in and out of school.

Thank you to everyone that has contributed by sending photos and discussing their work with their class teacher through email, Tapestry or Purple Mash. We love to know how you are getting on with your learning!

Year 6

Great work from Year 6 this week. We're super impressed with the work that has been shared with us, you can see some exmples below. We'd also like to shout out the children that have been active on Times Table Rockstars recently; Mikolay, Craig, Logan M, Liam, Libby, Daria, Scarlett, Jamie, Natasha and Filip. Keep it up! 



Connor             /               Elijah


Libby             /               Mikolaj

Year 5

We're super impressed from what we have seen in Year 5 this week.




Duaa             /               Tulisha


Ayaan             /               Isra             /               Tailor

Year 4

Impressive work from our Year 4s. A special mention to Billie in 4B who has been working hard in everything since lockdown began, completing her English and Maths every day. Well done Billie!

Well done!





Amelia             /               Bell-Rose             /               Nadia

Year 3

Miss Ellwand and Miss Johnson are so proud of how hard Year 3 have been working this week. It was also lovely to see all your smiling faces on Zoom!

The children in school have been showing some great understanding of our money topic and written some excellent volcano poems. Katerina has been practising playing her violin and Noah E has been sorting 2D shapes.

Also shoutouts to the children who continue to work hard on Purple Mash:

3E - Awen, Ayesha, Noah D, Jasmina, Abdur-Rahmaan, Katerina, Noah E, Sam, Harry, Kasey and Lybah.

3J - Zuzanna, Elizah, Ria, Laiba, Yousuf, Amaya, Mia-Lily, Leo and Aalayah.



Katerina              /               Noah E.

Year 2

We've seen some fab work from Year 2 again this week. I'll post some examples here soon!

Year 1

This week Year 1 have been finding out about a famous Canadian artist, Ted Harrison, and have tried recreating work in his style.  These are some examples from the children working at home. 

Also, Maddy took up the SPIN challenge of getting outdoors and finding things that start with the letters in her name - she found the museum for M, A on the sign, dogs for the Ds in her name (although no pictures) and a yellow leaf for Y.  Well done Maddy!

A special mention to Alijah for all his hard work this week too, Mrs Williams is very pleased with his writing!


Lily              /               Madeleine              /               Reyah              /               Madison



The children in school and at home have been working very hard. Please see the examples of writing and maths work from Amber, Dimitrios, Harvey, Remii, Marley and Rayaan. We have been learning about part – whole models and using 1ps and 2ps to make amounts of money. The children have been joining in with their daily phonics lesson and practising their sounds and writing. We would like to thank all the parents who are supporting their children with their learning, you’re doing an amazing job and your children will be benefitting enormously.



Thanks again everybody. Keep checking the blog on the school website for more updates!

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Moldgreen Community Primary School, The Avenue, Moldgreen, Huddersfield HD5 8AE | 01484226681 | [email protected]

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