Shout-Outs and More 7
Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 8:29pm
Shout-Outs and More!
Hi everyone! This will be the last blog of the current lockdown. We're extremely excited to have all the children back together again.
Take a look below to look at some examples of amazing work you have been doing both in and out of school.
Thank you to everyone that has contributed by sending photos and discussing their work with their class teacher through email, Tapestry or Purple Mash. We love to know how you are getting on with your learning!
Year 6
We have been super impressed by Elijah's diary extract which he sent to us late last week. What an amazing effort. Well done Elijah!
Year 5
The year 5 staff were extremely pleased with the following children over the last week. Good job everyone!
This week the children in reception have been studying the traditional tale Rapunzel. We have discussed the characters and talked about how we can describe the characters. We also pretended we were the characters and said things the characters might say. Please see the pictures that some of the children have made on Purple mash of some of the characters, can you guess which characters the children have created?
Adam / Amber / Ben
Dimitrios / Elleya / Khang
Marley / Rayaan
Thanks again everybody. Keep checking the blog on the school website for more updates!